Dato’ Kamilia binti Ibrahim
Name Kamilia binti Ibrahim
Date of Birth 20 April 1952
Place of Birth Manong, Kuala Kangsar
Address (Office)
Messrs. Kamilia Ibrahim & Co
Suite 89-2 Jalan Wangsa Delima 5
Pusat Bandar Wangsa Maju (KLSC)
53300 Kuala Lumpur.
Contact Numbers
03 – 7874 4434 (H) 03 – 4149 6690 (O)
019 – 650 5494 (M) 03 – 4149 0691 (F)
E-mail kamilia_ibrahim@yahoo.com
Website www.kamiliaibrahim.com
Facebook www.facebook.com/kamiliaibrahim
Twitter www.twitter.com/kamiliaibrahim
Awards & Recognition D.P.M.P. (2002), K.M.N., A.M.P.
Marital Status Married
12 children (8 sons & 4 daughters)
1 son-in-law
3 daughters-in-law
4 grandchildren
Spouse Mannan bin Ab Rahim
M.Sc London School of Economics
B. Sc. (Econs) Malaya
Early Education
- Govt. English Primary Girls School, Kuala Kangsar, Perak
- Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (Class of 69), Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Academic Qualifications
- Master in Law (Major in Comparative Constitutional Law and Law of Restitution), Malaya (1982)
- Bachelor in Law (Final year project: The Administration of Islamic Law in Perak), Malaya (1976)
- Diploma in Syariah Law and Practice IIUM
Professional Qualifications
- Member of the Bar Council (since 1984)
- Member of the Wilayah Persekutuan Bar
- Advocate and Solicitor High Court of Malaya
- Syariah Court Lawyer (since 1984)
Participation in Conferences, Seminars & Courses (International & National)* (Some)
a. Social
- International Federation of NGO (IFNGO) War Against Drug Abuse ~ International Conference; Brunei (2009), Hanoi (2008), Macau (2007) and Singapore (2006).
- IFNGO Youth Conference Macau (2006)
- AFFPD Conference Tokyo, Japan (2006)
- AFPPD Conference on Population and Development Niigata, Japan (1999)
b. Islam & Women
- International Islamic Conference IDB Rural Women Development Conference Kuala Lumpur (2002)
- World Islamic Women Parliament Conference (2000)
- IIIT Training Courses “Islamic Civilization”, Lancaster & Southampton (1995)
- The First OIC Symposium on Women’s Role in Islamic Society, Tehran (1995)
- Islamic Women Meeting Represented Malaysia on the issue of Women and War, Baghdad (1989)
c. Politics
- · CPA Annual Conference, Trinidad and Tobago (1999)
- · CWP Steering Committee Meeting, Westminster, London (1997)
- Member of Commonwealth Election Watch, Abuja, Nigeria (1996)
- · Challenges of the Malaysian Politics, Singapore (1994)
- ACWO Meeting Paper presentation on “Increased Participation of Women in Politics”, Jakarta (1993)
d. Corporate
- · CPA Malaysia, Understanding Financial Statements For Directors and Senior Management (2008)
- Director’s Duties Governance and Liability Training (2007)
*Various papers have been presented on topics like politics, legal and women. Objectives on talks are in creating awareness among women and henceforth to strengthen Islamic and family values and further develop and encourage women into active participation in all fields of development.
Other Contributions (Books Written)
- · Bapaku Ibrahim Abdullah (1995)
- Wanita dan Hak-Hak Dalam Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (1990)
a. Legal
Principal Partner Messrs Kamilia Ibrahim & Co
b. Corporate
- Director of KUB Malaysia
- Chairman of KUB Enviro Berjaya Sdn Bhd
c. Islam
- Member of National Islamic Council
- · Chairman of Working Committee for Family Support System of The Malaysian Syariah Judiciary (JKSM)
d. Social
- · Member of National Child Council
- Secretary General of PEMADAM Kebangsaan
- · Chairman of Yayasan Wiba PRIMA
- · Chairman “MPWK Parlimen Kuala Kangsar”
- · Chairman Lembaga Pelawat Hospital Kuala Kangsar
- · IT Literasi Program Kuala Kangsar
- · Recycle Green Policy
e. Politics
- · Naib Ketua Wanita Barisan Nasional
- Member of UMNO Supreme Council
- Naib Ketua Wanita UMNO Malaysia
- Ketua Wanita UMNO Bahagian Kuala Kangsar
Key Competencies
- · Leadership skills
- Organizational skills
- Positioning Strategies
- Planning Skills
- Election Machinery Strategies
- Communication Skills
- Public Relations
- Public Speaking
- · Corporate Governance
- · Financial Report Analysis
4.1 Academic
- Law Lecturer
Law lecturer at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) teaching Management Property Law and Planning Law (1976-1984).
4.2 Legal
- Advocates and Solicitor (1984 – present)
- · Principal Partner Messrs Kamilia Ibrahim & Co (1984 – present)
- Syariah Lawyer (1984 – present)
- Attorney General’s office (1976)
Kamilia binti Ibrahim is a principal partner in a firm involving administrative and managerial functions in addition to legal works that encompass property, corporate and litigation matters that entail civil and Syariah suits. Specializes in preparation of opinions and corporate matters that deal with companies transactions and management. Familiar with diverse aspects of property management and development especially from the legal and planning aspects. Has more than ten years experience in Syariah Court matters.
4.3 Corporate
- Founder and Member of Board of Director Hospital PUSRAWI
- Chairman of Ethical Advisory Committee, Amanah Unit Trust
- Chairman of KUB Enviro Berjaya Sdn Bhd (2007 – present)
- Member of Board of Directors KUB Malaysia (1997 – present)
- Executive Chairman of KUBTRUS Sdn. Bhd. (1995 – 2001)
- · Deputy Chairman of KUB Malaysia (2000)
Involved in the turn around of KUB from a debt ridden co-operative into a big conglomeration of Bumiputra Companies. Involved in the amendments of the Co-operative’s Act to convert the co-operative into a public listed company. Familiar with the management of the co-operative and the other subsidiary companies. Involved in human management especially in the disciplinary proceedings. Adept to companies restructuring and turnarounds, the ups and downs of companies in KUB offered vast exposure and experience in identifying strengths and weaknesses in newly formed and acquired companies.
The diversified business that the companies in KUB are involved is a volume of experiences which includes takeovers, acquisitions, and mergers including public listed companies.
As a Member of Board of Directors Pusat Rawatan Islam (PUSRAWI) Kuala Lumpur was responsible for the legal and personnel administration including matters pertaining to appointment, dismissal and terms of employment of employees. Directly involved in the Technical Team in the upgrading and expansion of the Pusat Rawatan Islam from the status of a clinic to a hospital. Involved in the project planning of the hospital planning, construction, training and completion of the hospital. Familiar with research planning and execution and matters related to increase of productivity and performance.
4.4 Islam
Syariah Lawyer
- Contributed on voluntary basis through public lectures and presentation of papers on various occasions especially in those area concerning women, children and family issues from the Islamic perspectives.
- Started the First Syariah Women Syariah Section in her legal practice, a Syariah Court lawyer since 1984, attended Syariah family law cases for women, and created precedents in some court decisions on family law.
- Conducted Islamic and Civil legal awareness lectures throughout country especially to women
- Responsible for urging the government in her senate speeches to give financial allocation for the building of Syariah Court buildings around the country and the appointment of Syariah Legal Officer and judges to expedite and ensure the efficiency of the administration of the Islamic Law.
- Actively involved in the Syariah Court Directives Committee in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia. Has a keen interest in the expansion of the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court especially in the commercial as well as those affecting Muslims and Non-Muslims. Legal awareness, advice talks and counseling are the main activities.
Director of PUSRAWI
- Contributed to the Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan with the conceptualization of the first Islamic Hospital and promulgated the Islamic Health Ethics, and promulgated the guidelines for the center for Women Darsaadah of the Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan.
- Contribution in the field of Islamic family Law with regards to implementation and enforcement of the Law.
- Set up Legal Clinic that has assisted many Muslim women in particular with Legal problem that affects their rights and duties.
OIC Women Secretariat
- Prepared a proposal for the setting up of OIC Women Secretariat.
Yayasan Dakwah Islam Malaysia (YADIM)
- Chairman of Majlis Perunding Wanita YADIM.
- Member of the Board of Trustees of YADIM (1995-2004).
- Embarking on peer group counseling among primary school pupils and lower primary school pupils in our attempt to help the government to eradicate social problems.
- Set up guidelines for Hospital Islam JAWI. Set up Islamic Women Consultative Council, YADIM.
- Set up Islamic TADIKA YADIM, DAKWAH WOMEN MOVEMENT, OIC Women Secretariat, Propagate Ar-Rahnu for small scale Muslim women entrepreneurs.
- Set up SAHABAT, Islamic Counseling group in YADIM.
Kamilia Ibrahim has also engaged in Islamic Dakwah for twenty years (20) in YADIM.
Family Support System of The Malaysian Syariah Judiciary
(Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK) Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia)
- Chairman of the working committee of the Malaysian Syariah Judiciary system to set up the family support system within the syariah judiciary to assist with payments of maintenance to families.
Member of the Federal National Islamic Council
(Ahli Majlis Kebangsaan Malaysia Yang Dipengerusikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia)
- Prepared guidelines for other religion place of worship
- Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK)
Darsaadah Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
- Member of Board of Directors (1989 – 2000)
4.5 Social
Royal Police Commission (2004)
- Member of Royal Police Commission
A special Commission to enhance the operations and management of the Royal Malaysia Police Force (2004-2005) with the main objective of modernize and restore public trust of the PDRM.
Persatuan Mencegah Dadah Malaysia (PEMADAM)
- Secretary General of PEMADAM
Currently active in narcotics preventions and control in both awareness programmes and legislation review.
Member of International Federation of NGOs (IFNGO)
IFNGO is an international confederation of world NGOs against drug abuse.
Yayasan Wiba Prima
- Chairman of Yayasan Wiba Prima
Yayasan Wiba Prima is a family foundation that was setup in 2003 with an emphasis on developing the young generation and the women community. The focus is on ICT development and also in producing ‘Hafiz and Hafizzah’. To date, Yayasan Wiba Prima has successfully setup the Maahad Tahfiz Addeen in Padang Rengas Kuala Kangsar. In 2008 successfully launched the One Home One PC (OHOPC) program together with the support of Linear Channel Sdn Bhd and Microsoft Unlimited Potential Malaysia in Kuala Kangsar with 50 families participating in the program.
Yayasan Wiba Prima also organizes the Real Undergraduate Conference or RUC which is an annual conference for undergraduates. The first one was held in 2008 and it has continued today with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education.
Other Contributions
- Member of Harvard Business School Alumni Club Malaysia
- Chairman Women In Local Government Association Perak
- President of Akademi Remaja Islam Autisma (ARISMA)
- Member of National Child Council
- Chairman of “MPWK Parlimen Kuala Kangsar”
- Chairman of “Lembaga Pelawat Hospital Kuala Kangsar”
- Board of Trustees Yayasan Dermajaya (1989 – 1996)
- Member of Kor Wanita Kota Federal Territory (1989 – 1993)
4.6 Politics
- Naib Ketua Wanita Barisan Nasional
- Member of UMNO Supreme Council
- Naib Ketua Wanita UMNO Malaysia
- Ketua Wanita UMNO Bahagian Kuala Kangsar
- Senator of Malaysian Senate 1995 – 2000
Active in UMNO since school days with both parents actively involved in UMNO. Made a political career with appointment in the Wanita UMNO Legal Bureau and the subsequent appointment in the EXCO Wanita and headed the Legal Bureau.
Upon appointment as a member of EXCO Wanita, presented a guidebook on Wanita UMNO on its vision, mission and planning. Produce a guidebook on “Hak-Hak Wanita Islam Dalam Undang-Undang Keluarga”. Set up “Pusat Khidmat Nasihat Undang-Undang” and held many courses on legal awareness throughout the country.
Organized numerous activities including National Seminar on Law and Environment, Aids and the Law, The U.N. and its time for reformation, Hudud Laws etc. As information member of the Information Bureau conducted courses for election, campaigns and strategy and party management.
Represented Wanita UMNO as speaker to motions on educations, president’s speech and the social motion at the Annual General Assemblies. Moved the motion at the special general meeting of UMNO to amend the party constitution to incorporate the disciplinary provision to curb money politics. On many occasions contributed opinion and efforts in the various bureaus, at national, state, branch and division levels for the past 20 years.
Political Milestones
2009 – Present Naib Ketua Wanita Barisan Nasional Malaysia
2009 – Present Member of UMNO Supreme Council
2009 – Present Naib Ketua Wanita UMNO Malaysia
2008 – Present Chairman ‘Bureau of Family Support (BSK) Syarie Council
1999 – Present
a. EXCO Wanita UMNO Malaysia
b. Chairman Legal and Syariah Bureau, Wanita UMNO Malaysia
c. Chairman Wanita UMNO Complaints Bureau
d. Head, Wanita UMNO Kuala Kangsar
e. Chairman of Information Bureau, Wanita UMNO Negeri Perak
f. Member of International Affairs Supreme Council
g. Member of Constitutions Bureau, UMNO Supreme Council
1995 – 2001 Member of the Malaysian Senate
1999 – 2000 Committee Member World Islamic Women Parliament
1999 Member of the Commonwealth Observer Group
Nigerian Presidential and Senatorial legislative Assembly
First General Elections after its army rule. Represented the Malaysian Government.
1998 – 2000 Treasurer AFPPD, Malaysia Parliament
1997 – 2000 Select committee, Malaysian Senate
1997 – 2000 Vice President of the Malaysian Club Parliament Malaysia
1997 – 2000 Chairperson Commonwealth Women Parliamentarian Malaysian Branch
1995 – 2000 Senator of the Malaysian Parliament
1995 – 2000 Vice Chairman of the Senator’s Club
1987 – 1996
a. Member of the EXCO Wanita UMNO
b. Chairman of the Legal Bureau of the Wanita UMNO
c. Chairman of the Legal Bureau of the Wanita Barisan
d. Member of the Majlis Tertinggi Religious, Consumer and Education Bureau
e. Member of EXCO Wanita Welfare, Consumer & Information
f. Deputy Head of Wanita UMNO Branch Kuala Kangsar
g. Information Head of Wanita UMNO Negeri Perak
h. Head of Wanita Branch Manong
i. Member of the Branch Committee Manong
By Election
2009 Active participant for Bukit Gantang, Manek Urai, Permatang Pasir, Bagan Pinang
General Election
2008 Active participant for Barisan Nasional
2004 Active participant for Barisan Nasional
1999 Active participant for Barisan Nasional
1995 Active participant for Barisan Nasional
1990 Active participant for Barisan Nasional